Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Twilight Series

I know many of you won’t agree with me on this, but the Twilight series is pure evil. It has captured the hearts and minds of Christians all around the world and has twisted them around to make them want to read the books instead of the Bible. I think there is something wrong when the slowest reader I know can read a Twilight book in less than a day when it takes them a life time to read the Bible. A friend of mine stayed up ALL night one Saturday night reading one of Stephanie Myers’ books. She didn’t come to church the next day because she was too tired to get up after staying up all night. That is WRONG my friends. Totally and completely WRONG.

Just a few minutes ago, I did some research. I typed in “the Twilight series from a Christian perspective” into the Google search engine. EVERY ONE OF THE THINGS I READ WERE FOR THE TWILIGHT SERIES!!!!!! There is something TERRIBLY and HORRIBLY wrong here. In God’s house, the only thing most of my friends can talk about is the Twilight series!!!! If you are going to read them, the least you can do is not obsess over them to the point that all you can do is talk about it everywhere you go!! This Sunday, my youth leader is going to talk about the Culture and some of it’s evils. He’s also going to talk about bringing glory to God in everything we do. Here’s a little bit of his outline he sent us on facebook.

Colossians 3:5-17, I Thess. 5:22, Philippians 4:8, Psalm 115:1Here are some questions to ask about the things you do:

Will it build me up spiritually? I Cor. 10:23
Will it bring bondage? I Cor. 6:12
Will it defile God’s temple? I Cor. 6:19-20
Will it cause anyone to stumble? I Cor. 8:8-9
Will it further the cause of evangelism? I Cor. 10:32-33
Will it violate my conscience? (Rom. 14:23)
Will it bring glory to God? (I Cor. 10:31)

Glorify God in . . .

What you read:

Harry Potter – I have real problems with this – good mixed with evil, has Wicca influences & is endorsed by Wicca but not Christian bookstores, uses sorcery to serve self & to play around, Bible says to avoid witchcraft/sorcery & doesn’t line up with what the Bible says about good/evil, author is an unbeliever, has led some to become curious about conjuring spells, ouija boards, etc…

Twilight series – I also have problems with this – good mixed with evil, endorsed by Wicca religion, MTV but not Christian bookstores, vampires are associated with evil, no Biblical basis, thoughts of lust & erotic content, author is Mormon & believes in eternal romantic love – her playlist includes Linkin Park (her favorite band), Korn, & other ungodly bands – Here are some thoughts from others:

February 21, 2008 12:38 PM KEA said…
I’m a youth leader and decided to read Twilight after a girl from the group became somewhat obsessed with it. I’ve only read the first book- but here is my take, for what its worth.

I agree Katelynn, the book does not explicitly speak out against God or the Bible. However, it does not present a Godly message either. As a youth leader and parent of a 10 year daughter, the obsession that Bella has towards Edward is concerning. She gives up all regard for herself or her family to be with someone that she knows is dangerous. I can see high-school aged girls reading this book, longing for a relationship with someone like Edward that would not be healthy to their Christian lives.

I can see a paraellel between Edward and Satan. Satan was called the “Morning Star”, the most beautiful of angels. The lies he offers up can appear to be beautiful outwardly, all the while he is trying to cheat you out of eternity with God. Bella is so smitten with the beauty and power of Edward, she is willing to offer up her own mortality to be with him forever- even if it means losing all she is and has known.

Satan sneaks into our lives wherever he can. I don’t think reading this book is to the glory of God and I would caution parents to make sure your child was not getting hooked to the point of giving up quality time with God or family.

Just my two cents.

April 12, 2008 1:06 PM Abby said…
I read all three books in Twilight series in a three day period. I fully agree with anyone who says these books are not only well written, but absolutely brilliant. I will say this, however. After I read them, I had a very, very hard time. I experienced a lot of mental spiritual warfare and I literally felt like I was locked in the story. I immediately discerned a spirit of witchcraft on these books and it made me angry because I loved them! But I literally had to get them out of my house, that’s how bad it was.

So I went to God with it and He showed me what is going down. It isn’t obvious and it isn’t about the content of the books, it is something entirely spiritual. The spirit behind these books is identical to the spirit behind Harry Potter and the spirit behind certain music, like My Chemical Romance. Look for the things that draw obsession out of this generation and pull them away from God. I guarantee you every one of them, the major ones that are addicting to scary and dangerous measures, are a tool of the enemy to infiltrate witchcraft into the lives of an entire generation of young people.

I’m not saying this from a judgmental, outside perspective, I am speaking as someone who is very, very familiar with this sort of thing and who experienced it first hand. If you want proof, you can find dozens of Wiccan and Witchcraft websites that promote these books. Doesn’t that tell you something? And if that isn’t enough to convince you, let Isaiah do it.

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”
-Isaiah 5:20

The biggest thing that stood out to me was the way vampires are portrayed as “good” in Twilight and witches and wizards are portrayed as “good” in Harry Potter. It is NOT about the content of the books, people. It is about the deceptive spirit behind them.

Open your eyes

Love in Christ,


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